Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

We decided to create this blog to keep our family and friends up to date on our goings on. It has been a long time coming! We hope to post photos for your viewing pleasure as well. Specifically, this has been created to count down the days until we welcome our baby earthside (some time around January 25th...?) and update our loved ones on the labor progression and birth when the day comes, if we can. If labor goes quickly, and let's all cross our fingers that it does, it might be a short blog! Typically though, Janet is a marathon birther, and we might have 11 or so hours to post updates.

Tonight is New Year's Eve 2009, which finds us snuggled in our new home in Sutter Creek. We're busy popping pop corn and getting the bubbly ready to unscrew - it's Crystal Geyser. We just finished Shrek 2, and it's 2 hours 'til the big finish.

Our resolutions are as follows:
Tommy: build the business, have a wonderful birth, and continue being an amazing partner and daddy, travel
Janet: completely give up flour and sugar (again), start a running regimen (and run a marathon), have a wonderful birth, and continue being a good partner and mommy, travel
Adam: finish learning to read, grow a couple inches and pounds, travel to Venice, Italy.
Declan: become a big brother, finish collecting all the GeoTrax parts and accessories, create a lot more art
Noble's resolutions are still to come!

Happy 2009 everybody!