Thursday, January 29, 2009

janet here

paloma still inside.

i am still working through these contractions, knowing they are doing their job - albeit a ton more slowly than i would like!

my girlie's heart tones are perfect, she's moving, hiccupping, re-arranging herself as needed, and I am starting to feel lots of pressure and leg cramps. hopefully i will start shaking and barf soon - that will mean transition, and that is just before pushing! and then we'll have a baby, and I can sleep for a WEEK. If you think i am kidding, just know that I am not, and have already made arrangements for this to happen. ; )

sense of humor intact, and a baby in her belly,


  1. keep that sense of humor... we're thinking of you! here's to a nice deep sleep after she arrives!

  2. ooh girl, next post better be completely humorless...and THAT'S how you'll know it's transition!! (ok, that and the puking...ahh, memories... :))

    rooting for all of you!! xoxoxoxo

  3. I'm waiting with bated breath for the next installment! I'm hoping that the "radio silence" is because you've had the lovely little one and are sleeping or nursing! Sending you lots of love and thoughts of ease from here in N. Minnesota!
    Bronwyn, Bob and boys

  4. this is all so very exciting! thank you for keeping us abreast. all my love!
