Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is very different than with the boys...

Because their labors began at 2am on Mondays, and pretty much rocked me until they finally came out 14, and then 11.5 hours later. This labor began at 3 on a Tuesday, and has been up and down.

I labored from 2-5:30, then napped until 7. If I keep walking, I have good strong contrax. If I sit down, they're not as strong nor regular... I just took another 30 minute nap. I've been walking around outside with the dogs and the boys and Tom, and not much has happened. I am going to keep at it. These naps are great for getting some rest for the fun stuff to come!

And off I go.

1 comment:

  1. goooooooo team! just now checking in and SOOO excited, janny!! my labor with frida sounds a lot like yours with paloma -- if i stopped moving around, my contrax got a lot more mild and less regular...i was sooo enjoying sitting in the birthing tub, but my midwife had to finally kick me out because i was slowing the whole process down! lol...

    so the good news is, you and paloma are working together -- she's letting you rest when you choose to, and you know that you can jumpstart it if you want to. can't wait to keep up -- oh, and almost forgot, going up and down stairs was faaaaab for getting some good, strong, regular contrax happening, whoo-whee...!!

    xoxoxoxox sending you strength, lovey!! caprice
